Picture 1: in the avast main screen I get a banner (read: advertisement) that says that I have 2 PC health problems and 18 GB of system junk.
Picture 2 & 3 (seriously, those 5 entries couldn’t fit in that huge screen? why waste all that visual space to add a scroll bar for half an item?) : no pc health problems and no system junk.
Of course, I never asked avast to scan for these things, so either it did that without my consent, or it’s straight out lying. Both are big issues to me, but I’d like to know which one it is.
Side note: how dated is this forum? Should I even expect an answer here?
These are known bugs and we are already working on getting them fixed. Especially the one where you see “0” everywhere but I agree that the scrollbar should not be there as well.
Usually the performance issues are scanned during the smart scan and the results are then cached so they can be used afterwards in banner for example.
I purchased cleanup on a previous computer I owned. How do I download it on my new laptap? The download for Avast anti virus worked. When I open Performance, all I see is Cleanup Premium.
the other problem with this website is that the verification letters are hardly discernible and you need to punch the person in the face that has invented this. I try 2 or 3 times to put the letters in until it actually comes up with some letters that I can read. They are mostly obscured with a scattering of graphic dust or crossed out lines or smudges.
Is here support for avast cleanup?
I live in Russia, I bought Cleanup and it does not work correctly
I ask support in FB group in RU and I ask on yr russian web-site miirror.
The week is pass&
I have not answear from support!
Are any living people here?
What’s wrong with it? A better question would be what’s right with it. I just accepted the free trial and after running it I can no longer access Facebook notifications, my Gmail has problems when opening and this is only what I have discovered in the few minutes since running Cleanup. Who knows what else has been damsged? I will be deleting this rubbish and certainly not paying for it!