So, if your like me and you enjoy reading what just got updated, then your gonna love this latest pic. Note: This has been this way for about two weeks now, even though I can reinstall and get a REAL page that has the missing data (circled). :cry:

ā€¦thats just ONE of the problems brought to your attention MANY, MANY days ago but Alwil refused to acknowledge the problem.

itā€™s nothing wrong, i thinkā€¦ from my view itā€™s like an ā€œā€œreviewā€ā€ for the last days/week of files/websites which have been scannedā€¦ :wink:
and if you didnā€™t open your computer for a week/two or more, then avast says that in that days, have been made new updates, you missed them and need to update the avast.
if iā€™m wrong, then somebody else tell us what is about:D ::slight_smile:

He is referring to the ā€œLatest Updateā€ section of the page, where he circled, the stats are blank.

ya right :wink: sorry for my difficult explication ;D

Alwil avast!

If you have added a script blocker extension or disabled java script, you will get this result.

I got a different page, but I get the numbers though.

Thank you for finally dealing with thisā€¦ so was it redirect or page hijak (today I was back to normal), or would you rather just blame me, like is the norm for most business out to not admit their faults?

Yeah, right. Because an attacker would gain some great advantage by hiding this information from you and only you.

ā€¦and yet today, here we go again ???

Lemme guess, this relies on flash since the only change to my system would be my flash permissions, I thought someone over there would have woken up with the Appleā€™s Flashback virusā€¦ :-X

BTW: Heres the URL Im directed to:

I really dont understand how what was once THEE Antivirus soultion to trust has become so Synametatic :cry:

Its not that information is hidden, but Im sure you know that. Its the fact the information IS missing that says something is NOT right. But flame on dude. As such a top poster here, you would think someone would already realise this says ā€˜Hey, somethings blocking data from loadingā€¦ā€™, but weve already learned the TRUE motives of a few of the Ubers on here.

Once again, another unfounded accusation. You continue to make accusations without any proof!

What are the motives of the ubers that you speak of?

Did you make an attempt to submit the URL to any of the online URL scanners to see if a hijack or redirection was evident?

It is a problem with script blocking or a java script problem. Have you tried a different browser?


The link you provided works perfect for me. See attached.

Hi UserA789.

It certainly could have something to do with Flash. Many things on websites will not function/display properly without it, Iā€™m betting this is not the first time you have ran into it if that is how you normally have your system set up. I use script blockers, so I often run into things that will not work for the same reason. If you take steps in this direction for security, you will always give up functionalityā€¦that which delivers ā€œrich contentā€ can also deliver ā€œrich infectionsā€, it is a double edged sword like that.

I hope this leaves you a little more secure in your initial worries that Avast!'s website had been hacked. Have a nice day.

Hi UserA789,

These are just user statistics for your alerts. I have gone all over avast with an extension in GoogleChrome that reveas all hidden webbugs and have not found any for avast. Why donā€™t you reveal what is really tracking your online activities, but there I do not hear a word, just another dose of avast bashing. Privacyscore details for avast webforum and avast pages are very good. This is the only webanalytics they do, see: http://www.ghostery.com/apps/omniture. I give you back html page sniffer data from the link you produced. You are insecure because you did not update your Flash Player. Stop accusing us Å°bers, we have avast userā€™s best security at heart and try to do our very very best to make avast a top av solution,


avast! 7 uses Flash to show at least some of its stats. When I removed Flash Ax (IE flash) because I donā€™t use IE and Flash is a constant security risk the ā€œSummary Statisticsā€ in the GUI stop showing up.

Donā€™t know if that is the case in the picture or not, but it may be.

My flash player is FULLY upto date. Im not bashing Avast or ALL the Uber users. Just those that would rather redirect converstaions and topics or insult instead of leave answers. As far as ā€˜Why donā€™t you reveal what is really tracking your online activitiesā€™ā€¦ what do you mean? I dont P2P, Torrent, or anything else that would cause this. If you know something more than I do, please share it instead of accusations.

I was aware that Avast uses Flash in the GUI, but on this stats page :cry: , as far as my flash player; its FULLY upto date but I dont allow any communication (via Flash Player settings), yet nothing seems to matter here. BTWā€¦ HTML5 (WAY FASTER THAN FLASH) and WebM are SO MUCH BETTER than flash. Im personally wondering, at this point, who is getting paid off to keep it in Avast.

So I guess its because I beleive in a little more security than ā€˜User Friendlyā€™ settings. Good callā€¦ one week away :-X

Im personally wondering, at this point, who is getting paid off to keep it in Avast.

Iā€™m personally wondering who is paying you to keep making these unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations ???

If you arenā€™t happy, bye bye :o

Heyā€¦ thanks for the great, topic following comment Bob. Appreciate any help you give.

To answer you, I pay for Avast so when things just aint right I got somethin to say. If your statement is the official word of Avast then you can betā€¦ Imma hit bricks and turn off everything that there is. Im poor as it gets (disabled Marine). If you wanna pay me to keep my mouth shut about some of these things I might think about it, but then the Marine in me would get all Semper Fi and Intgritous so that just wont work.

But againā€¦ thanks for the happy comment 8)

If you wanna pay me to keep my mouth shut

I work to hard for my money to throw it away on foolish things. ;D
I can however suggest that a banana peel be sent your way.
Be careful not to step on it or you might fallā€¦

Hi bob3160,

If the OP changes to silent gaming mode he wonā€™t get any of these messages he mentions and still experience the full security of the program.
He can just change that with his settings,


[quote author=UserA789 link=topic=98692.msg787557#msg787557 date=1337886038]

Replacing Flash is not so easy. There are coding advantages with Flash over HTML5. Flash is easier to program with and results in crisper looking output. Flash also has most of the market. In addition the HTML5 standards are not complete as of yet. In fact Microsoft just announced that IE10 for W8 will ship with Flash.