whay avast do this? :-[

im in Iran.
again avast closed their server to us!!!
we cant open site ( access denied ) also cant update free antivirus !
why u do this?
if me or any Iranian people wont use your product u will be happy?


maybe your government blocked it?

nope i already contact with them!

this is the error on main page :

Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access “http://www.avast.com/index” on this server.
Reference #18.5b0fdd58.1520356110.206416cd

answer plz :-[

Blame your government and your country not Avast. Iran censors out a lot of stuff. ::slight_smile:

yah i will
BUT avast is an antivirus. I AM a normal user why block me?
government use moded offline nod32 antivirus! everyone know that!
Right now Google - Yahoo - Microsoft all of US company have their free services to Iranian people. like gmail - android &…
Right now im using Avira ( a Germany antivirus ) why they wont do that?

As told above - ask your government.
Maybe it’s better to shut up and ask them not…

For some considerable time now there has been an Embargo on several countries Including Iran (I believe that is still in force) and that is against what a country (read Government) does. The problem being that this effects people and not Governments.

what should we do?

I know a few iranian friends who also have the same issues
they have to use a VPN to continue using avast but they find it very annoying so the stop using avast

perhaps the government block avast or avast block iran, nobody knows
but I think the government involve in this situation. I don’t think avats do this

avast have some privacy concerns so this maybe the reason

germany AVs have a strict privacy rules so they don’t really have privacy issue

i asked goverment they didnt block.
it is avast!
so shame on a company that we cannot TRUST about them. it is secend time they do this.
i must request for a refund.
all of my password &… is in avast vault and i paid for this! SHAME

  1. Do you honestly believe you would get a ‘yes we are’ answer from your government if they were.

  2. Iran was/is on an embargo list for many functions, companies can be prosecuted/fined for breaking any embargo and that includes everyone in the country and not specifically the Government.

  3. I don’t know how you were able to get a paid version of avast and more so how you could pay for it.

1- it is very easy to check via cmd also!
2- right now your answer is nonsense! Karpersky - avira - panda & … is working only AVAST!
3- http://keyiran.com/security/avast.html

2 - it matters not what others are doing if avast are complying with with any sanction/embargo.

3 - Even your link says from February 21, 2018 there are limited activation and update of avast. Below is a google translation from that page. It implies that the sanction is imposed by Iran - that however could be incorrect due to on-line translation context/grammar.

Due to sanctions imposed by Iran, Avast has limited the activation and updating of antivirus software to Iranian users from February 21, 2018, and does not provide Iranian users with the rules of this service and use this antivirus only from The IP change path is possible.

Right NOW there is no sanction that affect on AVAST >:(

Contact support: https://support.avast.com/contact