When are there updates?

Hello, I got Avast because of very non-responsive support from Panda that I used to use (Program great, company left MUCH to be desired) and was wondering, how often are there virus updates for this one? I had been used to getting at least one update a day, every morning then sometimes more later on. So I am getting a little panicy going into the second day with none. :-
Thanks! :slight_smile:

When there is no new virus thread, we publish our updates twice a week (usually on Tuesdays and Fridays). Of course, when there is some danger to our users from new not yet detected virus, we release an immediate update for it.

So you do not have to worry :wink:


Avast is always one of the first to release emercency updates when needed.

This has been proven alot lately. With mimail, blaster, etc…

When there is no major danger , updating 1 or 2 times a week is good enough.

I personally run F-secure 5.41 also on my main box, wich updates daily, atleast the Kaspersky engine (F-prot engine updates 2/week, and Orion engine only a few times a month) but most of the time, these are updates for a few new non common variants or non-in the wild virusses that you will most likely never meet.

So whats the point to update daily then?

I’m glad that Avast launches DIRECTLY updates when it’s most needed ! ;D

Kind regards,


Thank you for the very fast replys! This is sure nice going from a company that there are no answers for weeks if at all to one where replys are given within hours or less :smiley:

JeffreyCor, now you know why we love avast! :wink:
Waldo, do you use F-Prot for Windows or for DOS? Do you know how easyly update F-Prot for DOS? I mean, it won’t be as easy as avast! but I hope there is a way to incremental updates for the DOS version and I could not found a way to do it… :wink:

Technical ,

I use F-secure 5.41 for workstations wich includeds the following engines :

Orion (heuristics)

F-secure uses these 3 engines simultain, and also updates these 3 engines at the same time.

So if you scan (on-demand & on-access) it will check every file with 3 engines.

This is good, but it means that scans are slow. Much slower than with Avast.

Updating F-secure goes manuel, and also fully automatic.

The REAL drawback of this program is that it cost way TO much. 3 times the price of Avast Pro. Oops !!

Kind regards,


Thanks Waldo. It’s too expensive for me ;D
Anyway, if you have three engines it’s normal the price is three times of just one :wink:

Haha, never saw it that way ;D

Well, F-secure is normally to expensive for home users (they are lowering there prices though). But I got via my work a great discount for a license, so…

Having 3 engine’s doesn’t mean it’s better than Avast, not at all (i still use AVAST Pro as resident because of its many good providers). F-secure always scores good in tests , just like Kaspersky does. But Avast scores also good.

It could give a extra layer of defence (3 engine’s), but i doubt it.

If a virus or trojan manages to kill the AV, your helpless, no mather how many engines you have ;D

These days, it’s more important to have all security pathes installed, use of a firewall, and restricted browser settings, and “smart” mail use (don’t open strange attachments). If you keep that in mind, you could be safed from a lot of bad things.

I personally believe (strong) in layered defence (against worms & trojans) as these seem to be the major problems nowadays. So that’s why i also run The Cleaner 3.5 and TDS-3. So if a trojan (like The Beast) manages to kill my AV…maybe my AT will stop it.

I don’t believe Avast home offers process protection (only Pro via password options).
But F-secure doesn’t protect it process either, so…


Thanks Waldo. As I can see, avast! is still the best for us…
I believe in layered defence too… Do you know anything about Script Defender 1.02. The developer said it will intercept any request to execute the most common scripting types used in virus attacks, such as Visual Basic Scripting (.VBS), Java Script (.JS), etc and can even be configured to intercept new script extensions as needed! It’s very simple to use and I think it could help to ensure that the user do not inadvertently run a script no matter what email program you use, or even if you get it via another method.

Do you agree? Do you know anything about it? :wink:

script defender is a very good tool (i use it for almost 10 months).

It uses NO resources, is easy to install (just 1 button) and saved me 1 time from a nasty script already.

The program includes a “test script” to see how it works.

It’s a real must have, its free, small, fast, and doesn’t run resident > it only interacts when running a possibel dangerous script.

Kind regards,


Very thanks Waldo.
In the ReadMe file of ScriptDefender is wrote: If the enclosed script (test.vbs) does not run on your system normally, this means you do not have Visual Basic Scripting installed on it (normally it gets installed with IE5). This will not impact SDefenders ability to block any other scripts on your system (it ONLY intercepts execution calls, nothing else), but you will have to install the Intercepts again once you install VBScript in order to have it work correctly. If you would like to install VBScript (part of the Windows Scripting Host), then just go into the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs, Windows Setup Tab, select ‘Accessories’ then click the ‘Details’ button; scroll down to ‘Windows Scripting Host’ and put a check by it - that’s it! Remember that you must do the ‘Install Intercepts’ again after it’s installed to get SDefender to intercept the scripts.

But I don’t have ‘Windows Scripting Host’ at Accessories… I suppose it’s because I use XP and IE6… I could not test the application. Anyway, I will believe you that it works… :wink: