Using SOA with Endpoint Protection 8.0.1603. I have 185 licenses which expire in June 2018, and currently 122 managed computers.
SOA is running on a Windows 7 Ultimate SP 1 32-bit machine (NOT a server OS).
NO FIREWALLS are in use on either the SOA host or any of the clients.
Every day some small number of randomly-selected machines shows a yellow “question mark” in the SOA network listing. If I physically go to these machines, Endpoint Protection will claim they are unlicensed. Attempting to obtain the license from the client results in a “Contact your system administrator” message.
After working through this with Avast Support for more than a week, there is no resolution, however the assumption is that the problem is likely due to the maximum 20 inbound concurrent connections in Windows 7. Almost all of the machines attempt to connect to the SOA between 8 am and 9 am every morning, and probably most of them make the attempt within the same 5-minute period around 9 am, so it seems at least possible that a few of them would time out as a result of the connection limit. The “problem” machines are always random; they are never the same every day. However, I am now seeing a range of VPS versions crossing several days on the clients (oldest currently 150702-2; newest 150706-1). I can live with some machines being one update late, but missing several updates in a row concerns me.
So I ran a job to push VPS updates: “Job Type: Maintenance; Job Selection: Definitions update; Schedule: Immediately”, as instructed by Avast Support staff, who say that pushing VPS updates will also cause clients to update their licenses. The job completed successfully. I logged out of the SOA, waited a few seconds, and logged back in. In the SOA Network display, there was no change in VPS definitions on any of the clients, and the same “question mark” machines remained.
Avast, being developed in a language other than English, does not always have clear English descriptions of its features in the SOA; in particular, the description of various “updating” job options is ambiguous.
So these are my questions:
Is this the right job to get an immediate VPS push?
Is this the right job to force clients to update their licenses?
How long should I expect to wait before the SOA registers these updates?
Thanks for any help.