I consider it as an OFFENSE TO THE USER AND THE ADMIN if program updates change settings and preferences!
And the last one was one of those.
There are reasons why things like “engine and virus definitions” are set to “ask when an update is available”, “show monthly reports” or “sitecorrect” is set to disabled or community settings are not set to default values.
And reactivating to delete scan logs or temporary scans is sabotage to admins work.
It’s not only necessary to check each and every setting (what is time consuming) - I also have to physically visit several users that I recommended AVAST to correct the automatically changed settings.
I don’t know why this has happened to your users, in all of the time I have been using avast (over nine years), settings have been retained on program updates from within the avastUI.
Whilst this shouldn’t be necessary, you could suggest that users backup their settings before doing a program update. If necessary after a program update they could import the settings. avastUI > Settings > Maintenance > Settings Backup - Back up settings.