When battery saver turns off wifi, it may save some power but won’t it cost me more in mobile data usage since apps will use this instead?
Yes that is possible. But Battery Saver keeps WiFi turned on when the screen is on, or when you’re in range of a trusted WiFi signal, as defined in Profile settings. Generally when people do something that uses a lot of data transfer, they meet one of these criteria, so they usually don’t notice any difference. But it’s worth keeping in mind. Good question, and I hope that helps.
Why doesn’t it also turn off the mobile data (along with the wifi) so that we don’t risk unnecessary use of mobile data? Other apps do this, sometimes setting up a dummy vpn or proxy just for the purpose of disabling all data transfer.
Android 5.0 and above doesn’t allow us to switch off mobile data. We are considering building a VPN to control mobile data consumption as well, but it’s a really big feature so it will take some time to develop. Thanks for your patience.