Hello, i was wondering when avast 5.1 will come out are they planning to release the beta of it yet? And so what date will it be? has their been any talk at all about version 5.1?
Can I ask some questions in this topic?
I know that avast! will be able to do a boot time scan in x64 systems. And my first question is: will avast have 64bit version?
What will be better in version 5.1? Will the behavior shield work in x64 systems?
They will have major improvements in the behavior shield and detecting malware. hopfully it will be as good as threatfire lol.
No date on 5.1 yet. My best guess is around the end of the year.
I do not think there are any plans to make a 64bit version of Avast! in the near future. It runs fine on my system, as do many other 32bit programs. There just is not a need yet.
Hello derry, avast 5.1 is supposed to be toward the end of the year but i dont think there has been a set date. I tried threatfire for a couple of month’s and never had it detect anything but it did seriously slow down the cpu so got rid of it and put malwarebytes pro on to run with avast and never looked back.
avast! 5.0 is in RC now. So, is impossible to predict the date when avast! 5.1 will be release as beta.
And yes! in 5.1 avast! will be better than previews versions. Is law, that future versions will be better, I think. Behavior Shield as good as ThreatFire, Umm! I can’t predict this. For now BS focus in Rootkits.
Ondrej Vlcek: The Behavior Shield that we shipped in version 5.0 is a new component that is going to be further developed moving forward. For example, in version 5.1, we will be adding more sensors that will allow for even finer-grain filtering.For now, the Behavior Shield is focused on exploits coming via typical mechanisms (browser, PDF reader, and flash vulnerabilities, for example). It also closely monitors all kernel-mode code (drivers) loaded into the operating system, and is able to detect zero-day rootkits.
[quote][/avast! 5.0 is in RC now. So, is impossible to predict the date when avast! 5.1 will be release as beta.
No it’s not it’s been released for months now were have u been?
Avast 5.0 has been released for months.
Hi derry -
I think that was a typographically error by Llanziel.
A wizard is never late... nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
I think i’ve cought some info that some 64bit features in Behavior Shield are planned, but not full support like on 32bit system due to limitations of such systems.
@Vlk, that has to be the most cryptic message you’ve ever posted here
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