Where are release notes/changelog for Browser Security/Reputation Plugin?

I’m trying to find out what changed in version 19.2.289 before I install it.

Unfortunately, there (usually) are no release notes available for AOS. :frowning:

That is indeed unfortunate. I will defer plugin update to see if problems surface.

Yep. Note, it might help to mention your browser… :wink:

I’m using Firefox 68.0 on Win 7 SP1.

OK, I’m running FF ESR and had to deactivate AOS because of slowdowns.

Ah. The only thing I’ve noticed since installing AOS is that launching Firefox after the PC has been off overnight is that 3-5 mins must pass before Firefox will display any page.

I attribute the delay to AOS updating the URL list coupled with an average download speed of 20 Mbps.

I should add that this is related to the latest update (19.2.289), earlier versions did work fine.