I know how to activate the scan via the Windows Personalise/Screensaver menu, but where are the actual scan settings like Sensitivity etc in Avast? The help file refers to the way it was done in the old version. There’s no tick box to activate like before and there is no Screen Saver scan listed in the scan section.
Try this
That section opens the screen saver behaviour settings. I’m looking to amend the scan settings, not the screen saver behaviour. In the old Avast, it was listed as a scan, just like the the rest of the scan types (Quick Scan, Boot Scan etc). You could then go into each one and change the scan settings.
I agree. This is most jaunting (not sure if I am using that correctly) from the previous version. I don’t want the screen saver to scan my external drives, as they are slower, and take time away from scanning my internal drives, including my C drive, which I suspect would be the first one to be infected. I also would want to adjust how through it is. Does anybody know where this is?
Not sure about this I will have a fiddle… Unless it is within the settings for a full scan
Someone on YouTube suggested it uses the Full Scan as it’s template. Which would be, well, disappointing to say the least. A full scan on my PC takes days. I’ve got Terabytes of stuff on there. The whole point of the Screen Saver scan was that it was quick, regular and convenient.
Anybody else have any input? I would prefer my screen saver to scan only the highly infectable areas of my pc.
You have the option of running a quick scan.
Or, you can create a custom scan.