Where avast stores mail messages which it didn't pass?

I’ve got a message from avast on-access scanner, that it found a suspicious mail message without Subject line. I know the sender and I know what should this message contain. Since avast didn’t pass the message, I cannot find it :frowning: Where should I check for carantined messages? Or it deleted permanently? :frowning:

When the warning window was displayed, it asked you what to do about it - Delete or Continue. If you selected Delete, then it was really deleted. avast! doesn’t store it anywhere.

Hm :frowning:
I check my POP account with ChoiceMail One program, and avast didn’t display any warning windows while scanning, only mail on-access tray icon appeared :frowning: That’s why I’m curious for such strange action, when I cannot choose what to do :frowning:

Did you set the Silent mode in the Heursitic of Internet Mail provider?

I didn’t change any settings since installation.

That is not what you said in your original post.

I've got a message from avast on-access scanner, that it found a suspicious mail message without Subject line.
In that Warning message 'Window' it gives you the option to delete or continue.

Pardon me, in the first post I mentioned message from avast on-access scanner. It was mail-message, I received with my mail programm. No warning windows or popups haven’t appeared.

So, did you ask your mail program to delete it?
Which is your mail program?
Your writtens seems that you’ve seen the avast! Heuristic message… ::slight_smile:

You’re right, Subj looked like :“[avast! heuristic - WARNING]”

My mail program is TheBat!

And this mail program didn’t receive anything except of Heuristic message.

Undoubtly, you’ve received a message with DELETE and CONTINUE buttom…
Probably you hit delete :-\ :cry:

So you must have being using the TheBat plugin of avast!
As avast won’t store ‘deleted’ messages… Can you remeber who have sent that email for you?

Undoubtly, you've received a message with DELETE and CONTINUE buttom... Probably you hit delete Undecided Cry

Very strange situation. But I’m clearly remember, that I haven’t seen any warning message.

So you must have being using the TheBat plugin of avast! As avast won't store 'deleted' messages... Can you remeber who have sent that email for you?

This letter disappeared even before reaching TheBat!. I use the tandem of ChoiceMail One and TheBat!
ChoiceMail checks my POP3 mailbox filtering spam and other unnecessary stuff and then TheBat checks ChoiceMail for cleaned incoming mail.
In my situation avast intercepted pop3 traffic whilst ChoiceMail was checking for new mail.

Anyway I managed to get my mail once more time from my sender. And now I put avast into silent mode letting it deliver everything.

You can manage this situation by two ways, the second is more secure:

  1. Changing the pop3 port of ChoiceMail to anyone different from 110 and do not add it into avast! redirected ports (settings of Internet Mail).

  2. Add the line:
    IgnoreProcess=ChoiceMail.exe into the avast4.ini file section [MailScanner].
    See details clicking on Settings in my signature.
    Change ChoiceMail.exe for the exactly name of the running process of that program (CTRL+ALT+DEL to see the name).

Thank you! I’ll try both of these options and choose which will suit me more.

Thanks everyone for your notices and advices. I’ll try to escape such strange sutuations futhermore :wink: