Where can I download an installer of Avast Free 6.0.1367? I don’t trust any 3rd party download sites (especially in this case). So I would like to download it from Avast servers, but I found only 7.0 and 4.8 installers.
only one place as i know…see list on right side
but why not use latest version ?
why need 6.0 while you can have avast 7?
Because Avast 7.0 is still too buggy.
I don’t want to download anti-virus software from 3rd party sites. Official Avast servers are still also offering version 4.8 (http://files.avast.com/iavs4pro/setupfulpro4.exe). So why not version 6.0?
V4.8 is a completely different program…and many companys still use it
5-6-7 are sort of the same program…so only latest version for download
Avast is not making the download you want available from their servers, for whatever reason(s). So if you want v 6.1367, you’ll have to get it elsewhere. Those are your options.
Here’s another link if you change your mind about getting it from a non-Avast server (Some people were reporting problems with FileHippo sending the v 7 program after having clicked on the v 6 link; this site does not have that problem. Scroll down and click on the version you want. I can say that I was able to get the right version and it installed w/o any problems on my desktop – after using aswclear to remove v 7.)
I myself have a problem to find older avast version on our servers (I’m not really sure if we actually store them). I also use filehippo/oldapps sites to download older versions.