G’day all,
Looking forward to Christmas ;D and the New Year ;D.
I always keep my computer up to date from MS Security Patch and I was triggered by the Black Screen of Death my last up was on the 10th Nov. and I couldn’t boot my PC and unable to turn on my PC it came to a complete shut down, I had to get my computer repaired from a friend of mind to repair all the MS Windows System files from the XP Pro CD and my computer came back alive so please don’t ask me how and why ask MS >:( >:( >:( >:(
Okay where can I find the latest MS complete SP3 Update ISO file to burnt onto a CD I mean the latest version, the last version I have was on the 7-5-2008 XP SP3 ISO file.
Could someone please tell me where can I find the latest SP3 Update ISO file from MS, I couldn’t find it anywhere on MS website.
Thank you.