Where can I find the screen with the streaming updates showing?

Free Avast v 11.1.2253

I updated just recently to the above version but can’t find where the screen is with the streaming updates showing as to how many were downloaded. Must be hidden somewhere else compared with the previous version?


Open the Avast User Interface> Tools > Statistics > Component Status


Found it as per your instructions. Thank you bob3160. :slight_smile:

My pleasure. :slight_smile:

NOTE: Now that you have found it - recently there have been a number of posts of people reporting a lower number of streaming updates.

Recently we did some improvements and started to deliver "multiupdates" - so if you have been offline for some time, you won't receive hundreds of small updates when you start the computer, but instead you'll get one big update (or a few of them). Those bigger updates deliver exactly the same content as the big number of small updates would have, they are just aggregated into bigger packages.

Basically it means that not seeing 300 - 500 updates within 24 hrs is normal and doesn’t indicate a problem. :slight_smile:

Yes, that’s correct, but until more people are familiar with this improvement/enhancement, I’m sure we will see many post about reduced streaming updated :wink:

I was wondering about streaming updates myself.
Glad I read this, as now I know :slight_smile:

Basically it means that not seeing 300 - 500 updates within 24 hrs is normal and doesn't indicate a problem.
Or as i have said many times, if you dont see any avast error messages ......