Where can you get Outpost Firewall from?

…I want to ask others for a download link because I seriously need a better firewall than Windows XP firewall… (seriously? Who still uses that firewall…? D: I’m out of words for my behaviour.)

As I’m a very guillable and too much trusting person, and as from my experiences, I usually download something completley different to from what I wanted, full of problems and complications :stuck_out_tongue:
For example, one time I wanted to download a computer graphic program…and I downloaded a useless Advanced Reqistry Optimizer that I really wanted to get rid of. Thank God a Trojan horse virus infected that trash program ^^ (the only time a virus actually was useful for…lol?)

To make a long story short, could you please send me a link for that firewall program? :smiley:


Thank you! :slight_smile:

or at filehippo.com…if it is the older free version you want


Thats an old version Pondus 6.5, the latest free is here http://free.agnitum.com/ you just need to do a custom install and only choose the firewall if it allows you to? otherwise the av componants will be disabled during the install anyway.

Here’s another link to add. http://download.cnet.com/Agnitum-Outpost-Security-Suite-Free/3000-18510_4-75328020.html?tag=mncol;1 :slight_smile:

Your welcome :slight_smile: