Where Do I Submit Viruses for Testing?

Hi. I have avast! 4.8 Professional, and I don’t know how to submit a virus for testing. When I click on “Email to AWIL Software” on the right click menu, nothing happens? Could this be because I don’t have an email client set up?

It could be because you did not set the email info into avast setting.
But why are you using the old 4.8 version yet?

Presumably this file in the avast chest - then it is possible to submit directly from the chest (see image, click to expand) rather than email and it will be uploaded during the next update check.

I don’t know how to get to that menu. How did you get to it?

I don’t really know, I haven’t used avast 4.8 in years, that is the problem when retaining old software there is little practical advice available. This image is from those I saved from when I was using avast 4.8. I can only assume there is a send/submit to the avast labs in the same location as your trying to email it.

send the files to avast by e-mail to virus@avast.com

keep it zipped and password protected…specify password in email body :wink:

Thanks for the help true indian, but I looked it up and it was definitely a Trojan Horse, and I’m glad I got rid of it.

thanks for submitting the sample!! even 1 submission makes the difference in protection ;D