Where is my refund?

I have emailed Avast and can get no satisfaction. I NEED HELP ON THIS!!!

  1. Don’t use your email address as your nick. You’re just inviting spam.

  2. This is a users forum, not a company forum.

Actually staff is also here, just don’t expect them to respond very often (especially these days). They used to be more active. I suggest you use support contacts instead.

Use this contact form to contact sales - http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles][url]http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles[/url] - give as much information on the product purchased, where, date, receipt number, etc.

Dear Edward, as I can see, my colleague Moroni Flores Cadin sent you the last reply on 02 April 2014 13:18 in our official support system. Please be patient. :wink: