Where is the Report tab of settings?

Where is the Report tab of settings?
Am I crazy?
I’ll post the ‘new’ Program settings and a part of an old translation window that I have…

On the Professional version it is there ???
But not in the Home version… :cry:

Program Settings, Report File.

What the hell is mine? >:( :frowning: >:(

When you first install Avast!, the report tab of settings will be appeared only when the Avast! on-demand scanner started to scan something (e.g. the memory scaning when you get the Avast! simple interface to open), strange? I don’t know. ;D

I can only assume it is because you are running the Pro version, though I can’t see why that should be. Perhaps because of the additional functions, e.g. the Task properties giving more options for scans, which isn’t a Home option, so it has to go somewhere else.

No… it was always there. The Simple Interface is not changed by the presence of the Enhanced Interface.
They should be independent. :frowning: >:(

My Home version looks exactly the same as David’s.

It seems likely to me that the Pro and Home versions may have a deviation in the inerface as David suggests.

The Settings dialog invoked from the Simple UI is indeed different from the one invoked from the Enhanced UI (or the tray icon).

The reason is that some settings don’t make sense in that context. E.g. the report file settings are only valid for on-demand scans carried out from the Simple UI, hence it makes no sense to display the page in Enhanced UI which has the ability to set up report files for each scanning task separately.

Hope this helps,

Oh, that’s the point. I didn’t realise that the tray icon is a ‘part’ of the Enhanced Interface.
Ok, I’ll start avast and see if Program Settings from there is shown. Now I’m in Linux.
Thanks Vlk 8)

Actually, the tray icon invokes the settings corresponding to the scanner you ran last time. So, if you used Simple UI recently, you’ll get the settings with the “Report file” page, if you used Enhanced UI, it won’t be there.
(The idea is that the settings should correspond to the scanner you usually use.)

I see no advantage on that, specially because that settings apply only for Home version.
The Pro user knows that the report is a setting of the specific Task on the Enhanced Interface. ::slight_smile:

That may not necessarily be true :wink:
I mean, many users may have the Professional version (e.g. because they don’t fulfil the “home & non-commercial” condition - they use it at work), but they feel satisfied with Simple UI and don’t need to create their own tasks, etc. So, the settings they get from the tray icon context menu is exactly the same as the one in the Simple UI itself.

You are right that it doesn’t have much sense for those users who know avast! very well, and possibly switch between Simple and Enhanced UI often back and forth… but I believe they are many users who use only one of the interfaces.

I believe that too… I’m not a common user ;D
I use both interfaces, both in English and in Portuguese. What can I do? :-[

believe that too... I'm not a common user

Sorry couldn’t resist. You to a T Tech ;D :smiley: