Where is the Updates file?

I frequently re-install my Windows OS.

So, I normally backup all my software along with their updates. I would like to know where Avast’s update files are stored. Suppose if I need to back up the updates file of Avast, so that I can re-install Avast after the re-installation of my OS, how can I restore the virus database?

Is there a single signature file or are the updates in a special folder?

Please let me know.

Backing up of virus updates is a very important feature of an anti-virus software, isn’t it? Otherwise, re-installing afresh and then downloading updates is really painful for dial-up users like me, right?

== Santosh C

Santosh, wellcome to forums…

I think it’s better to update by Internet even if you have a dial-up. The update will be fully integrated with your program (Registry, ini files and so on…).
But if you want to make a test, copy the folder setup under your avast! installation folder. :wink:

You can download the entire vps file (update for virus database) (it’s just a few bigger than a floppy, it’s not to big for a dial-up). :wink:

Thanks Technical!

I understand that the updates will make changes to the registry entries and ini files.

Yeah…you are right…even if I install my OS once in three months or so, it ain’t really that bad to download AVAST! updates via my dialup.

I am really impressed with the automatic updates of AVAST! , that is just the reason why I moved from my AVG6 to AVAST!. I really love the AVAST skins too.

== Santosh

In order to have the latest possible updates, you may download latest full installer - setupful.exe. It’s about 7MBs.

On the other hand, you may install the old one, the differential mechanism will always download maximally these 7MBs, in fact I would be surprised if it would be over 3MBs.

With specific reference to the vps updates, they’re quick enough and smooth enough that if a new one’s available, it’ll usually download and install in the background and I’m not even aware of it until that advisory popup afterwards. And I’m on a 56 dialup (auto-update for database updates).

Hi Kucebj

Will there be a similar “complete” updates setup - setupful.exe, say in May 2004, and one in dec 2004?

Can I have a “full” update setup file every six months or so?


Santosh C

It is not a special “updates” setup - it’s simply the installation package. If avast! is not installed on target computer, it will install it; when avast! is already installed, it will update it.
The setup executable is updated whenever an avast! update is released.