Where is the virus chest in Avast free? And how do I access it?
The file system shield says that a program that I downloaded off the internet has a virus in one of the executables, and that it has moved it into the virus chest.
However i can’t find the virus chest!
I have looked all over the UI, but can’t find it.
The help file talks about it and tells me how to use it, but does not say where it is.
The product comparison pages don’t say that it is any different from in other versions.
So how do I get into it and look at the files in it?
Thank you both very much!
I was going to say that checked that tab twice, and I can’t imagine why I did not see it, but actually I can.
My eye saw update, registration, support, About, Etc. and I must have figured it was just the wrong section without looking closely enough!