Where is this Gaget everyone is talking about?

is it only in the paid version? and what is it?

Also i updated throught the updater for the free version and all went fine
but when i try to do a test of the smtp for sending viruses the test doesn’t work?
there are no viruses on this computer btw

Also how come when clicking on the webrep it doesn’t take you to another page to give you some statistics like WOT does?


Here’s a screenshot of Avast! gadget.

If you have the sidebar disabled, you can add the avast gadget following this procedure:

  1. Click on the Windows logo
  2. On search tab, type “sidebar”
  3. Wait and then click Add mini applications to desktop
  4. Select avast! gadget and drag it to Desktop.

Please also keep in mind that the gadget is a Windows Vista / Windows 7 only feature – Win XP or earlier doesn’t support gadgets…


vik did you see what i put about the virus send test?
and also about the webrep?

can i get an answer please? and btw is there a manual for 6.0 yet?


For those of us who may possibly have sidebar enabled on XP, could those people obtain this Avast gadget by a separate download ?

Sidebar on WinXP? By means of a 3rd party app, or HOW?

BTW for those who want to management of the gadget themselves, there’s the gadget installer in the avast folder:


Feel free to play with it - it’s there for your enjoyment.


There are ways to enable sidebar & gadgets in XP with 3rd party apps.

The file aswSidebar.gadget doesnt appear to be in the XP installed folder for Avast …