Where shall I add the Password verification code

I need some help. Thanks in advance.

  1. I have activated Avast Password on my computer and can see the device in the cloud.
  2. I have tried to connect my Iphone and sync the passwords. I have got a 6-digit verification code which I shall use for confirm the Iphone.

But I can not find and place to add it, not in the cloud and not on my computer.

Have anyone an idea? / Ingvar

Hope this helps: https://support.avast.com/article/255/

No, no help. I can not find any place to add the code …

OK, wait for Martin then, he’ll be back after weekend.

Whilst I don’t use Avast Passwords - I have done a search in the forums for add verification code and the only hit it brings up is your post, which is strange. I would have thought it would come up more than that.

I also looked at the support article that Asyn gave and found there is an error in the layout, in the ‘Synchronize the first device’ section if you click on the iPhone/iPad tab it shows the instructions for Android devices. Clicking the Android tab brings up the instructions for iPhone/iPad devices.

It is the correct way round in the ‘Synchronize subsequent devices’ section it is the correct way round. I don’t know if this is a cause for confusion or not. I don’t know if the link at the bottom under ‘Self-authorize your device’ might help or not.

Confirmed, this needs to be fixed. Good job Dave…!!

Hopefully soon, certainly if this error causes any confusion leading to not being able to synchronise.

I still need help.
Can you reset my account? Which device is the best way to start with, my computer or my Iphone?

When I used a new email-adress and started with my computer

Thanks for the feedback.