where to look to find current version numbers

I am having trouble getting the program to update. And I don’t know where to look to see if have the current version. The month updated listed is January.

The program writes the virus database current version as 100123-2, but on the website its listed as version 5.0.0. I don’t know how to compare two different number formats.

Or My computer says the program version number is 5.0.377, which is bigger than 5.0.0. which is listed on the website so i am still confused.

Click on the avast5 ball in sys tray and expand the “Current Status” by click on the little arrow. All info there.

If you are using the free version: your version is old, the newest is: http://files.avast.com/files/beta/5.0.492/setup_av_free.exe
You can download and install.

Current Program version: 5.0.492
The Virus Definitions should be 100409-1 or 100409-2 or 100410-0
(10 = year / 04 = month / 10 = day / last digit = daily build)

V 5.0.492 is official release already???

No, not yet released. But the downloadlink I provided is that beta version.

I think its not best for recommending a beta version. ::slight_smile:

Considering that the OP has version 5.0.399 was a pre-release/beta build I don’t think it unreasonable to suggest the latest pre-release build.

It should however be a clean install after having uninstalled 5.0.399.