Where's Google Earth 6?

This last couple of days when trying to download V6 from Google, Softpedia or FileHippo what I get is the V5 .exe (13.3 MB).
And then, from some other google sites (like the UK one) or CNET I get a 556 KB .exe wich will install V6 (and after installation the bloody program will crash after the first minute).
Has anyone downloaded GE lately?

I tried to install the google earth plugin recently whilst viewing some maps and thought I would like see the additional view and that failed. It said something like needing admin privileges, even running the browser as admin it failed.

I wasn’t downloading from cnet though.

Edit: I have just downloaded the google earth plugin (only the peruser one admin not required) and I did that directly from google and it has installed GE6 without problem.

I find this situation bizarre.
google.pt presents V6.0 beta and sends V5.2 (13.3 MB installer)
google.co.uk presents V6.0 and sends the right one (576 KB installer)
Softpedia and FileHippo present V6.0 and send V5.2 (13.3 MB installer)
CNET presents V6.0 and sends the right one (556 KB installer)

I’m talking about the full program, not the plugin.

Well I think they call it a plugin, but it installs the program and not just browser plugins.

This is where I was redirected when I tried to get it and it was downloaded directly from there. http://www.google.com/earth/download/ge/agree.html

Yep, it gives you the V5.2

When I checked the Help about it was reporting GE version 6 not 5.2.

I have since uninstalled it as it isn’t something that I’m likely to use very frequently. So at some point I will just install the plugin.

You didn’t read my posts…
It reports V6 but then it will give you V5.
You don’t have to install, just download the installer and check wich version would it put in your machine (in case you would install it).

Just indulge me and read (all of you) my posts and please provide feed back.

I did install it and when installed it reports that it is version 6 as is stated in the quoted text.

So it looks like the one served up on Cnet is an on-line setup/installation where the 13.3MB is capable of off-line installation. I have seen many instances of these small on-line setup files fail. It has happened previously with the early versions of avast 5 on cnet.

uuf… I give up.

So do I, I can only report what I saw in the program Help about it was version 6.

I feel the same. Google Earth is more a television program while Google Maps is a productive tool :slight_smile:

Has anybody ever heard of Nearmap http://www.nearmap.com which is far better than Google Map because nearmap always keep the map image data up to date so check it out, I’ve been using it for 2yrs and it heap better than Google Map :wink:

Speedy, can you post a screenshot of it?
I’m a little reticent to sign in to another service without knowing what is it… exactly.

Here a review site about nearmap http://www.theurbandeveloper.com/2011/04/12/feature-nearmap-com/

You can have a little look without having to sign-up, just check the I accept the terms of use and click the Take me to the map button.

Thanks Speedy.
I can manage Google ads with a Firefox addon called “OptimizeGoogle”.
And I can have routs (from here to there) and this new service seems just to be aerial view of the streets.

I didn’t realised nearmap.com is only for Australian not for the rest of the world sorry :-\

Edit: Nearmap only keep the Australian image and data update because nearmap is made & own by Australian, so it not like Google for the rest of the world.

Well you can zoom out and select other locations, drag the map up/down, left/right to centralise and then zoom in to see other locations.

However, it doesn’t go close to the same level of detail as google maps. Whilst I can find my village, there are no streets marked.

Thanks David.

  1. Imprecise geolocation of myself in the map.
  2. No routs.
  3. Very very few commercial information (there are tons of more commercial stores near me…).
    Thanks but no thanks.