Which files does the VRDB save?

I know that the VRDB collects information on changes that are made to files, to aid in repairing infected ones. I know that by default it updates the database every 3 weeks, and that it monitors files three versions back.

However, I cannot find any info on which files the VRDB looks at!

Can ayone help?

Mostly any executable files.

I see, thanks

Is there a log of the files its monitoring? Something I can read?

I’m afraid it isn’t. No log, no list.

Just out of curiosity, I was discussing this with Rejzor awhile ago and he didn’t know.

When you run a VRDB scan, does it scan for infected exe? What if the VRDB I’m creating is infected?

Infected files are not included into VRDB. :slight_smile:

So, it scans a file before adding/updating it to the VRDB?

And just to clarify, its any exe file it can find? Also, you said “Mostly any executable files”.
What other files does it archive?

I mean - it’s storing executable files only.
I’m not completely sure if it’s really all of them, or just those with common extensions (exe, dll, etc.) - I’d have to check the source code thoroughly.

And yes, the files are scanned before creating/updating their VRDB records.

There’re files with dos or windows execuatble header, so all EXE/DLL/SCR/VxD/SYS/… files