Which firewall do YOU use?

Feel free to comment why you use that firewall. Additionally, if there is another firewall not on the list!

I use an older version of ZA Free from before Checkpoint bought out Zone Labs.

I do not suggest anyone else do this unless you are very familiar with how ZA works.

I use Windows firewall only but that’s my choice as that is all that I need as I have a hardware firewall built into the modem that mys ISP provides.

If I were to use a software firewall I would use Outpost Free:

Online Armor Free on Xp sp3

Windows 7 Firewall Control on Vista 64bit sp2

I just switched from outpost free firewall to PC Tools firewall plus.


Online Armour
Outpost Firewall Free

Not recommended (imho):

voted for pctools fw plus


Jag med!

Titta på http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=50821.0

I use Online Armor (OA) Premium with no incompatibility problems with Avast. There are many Avast users on the OA forum as well. I’m a former user of Outpost Pro, but find OA easier, more informative, cleaner to uninstall, and the forum and very friendly like here.

Kerio 2.1.5.

Are most of the people using the Windows firewall,on Vista or Windows 7?
And enabling the 2-way ability?

Sometimes I wonder if i even need a firewall behind a router,but then
i use it mostly for outbound application control.

But,after years of trial and error,i have honed my media players .etc,to only those who will not call out if asked not to.

How much do I want to save 600 K of RAM?

Not enough to give up that little blue shield in the system tray.

Same here.
So far this was the best solution for me.

I use windows firewall because the other firewalls make my computer startup a lot more heavier!

Hi :slight_smile:

I use Comodo Firewall.

Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

Comodo on 3 XP32 systems.

I use Online Armor Premium, I picked up a free key ;D when they were offering them in a recent company promo.

I use Online Armor on two different Vista machines, and have been quite pleased with it after more than a year. Very nice features for mobile users as well as a nice user friendly firewall and HIPS. Previously used Comodo, and was a forum moderator, but they seemed to go off in a different direction when they decided to be a suite and Melih decided to be a demagogue. The Comodo Forum has turned into something more like a church, so I don’t know what they are doing these days. :wink:

I use Outpost free.

I did like using Pctools firewall plus, but had some minor problems with comp freezing if not for that i would still be using pctools.

Cheers :wink:

CIS 3.12.x.560 (Comodo) 8)

Windows on Personal Computer
PC Tools on Computer that acess internet

Wanted to ask too:
what acts are recommended after uninstaling a firewall in Windows XP?

Comodo firewall or PC Tools firewall plus. Either one works well with avast 4.8 which I am currently using; waiting in eager anticipation of avast 5.0 ;D