Which FREE antispam do you find the best?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I have put a vote for Other, that being MailWasher if you are only monitoring one email account you can use the free version of MailWasher which has all the functionality of the Pro version but only for one email account.

I particularly like the fact you can delete the spam/suspect emails at server level without have to download them to Analise them. I also like the origins of spam tool is good for new spam content but from known spam origins, you can also add new origins of spam databases increasing the overall effectiveness of MailWasher.

David, don’t want to argue but what you said

I particularly like the fact you can delete the spam/suspect emails at server level without have to download them to Analise them.

sort of doesn’t sound right. I mean, in order to analyse the message, the program undoubtly needs to get it from the server - how else could it look inside? :slight_smile:

It only downloads the headers and a small part of the email (no attachments) not the complete email and is view in plain text. When you click Process Mail, those email that are automatically marked as spam (or user input) for deletion are then deleted from the server. The actual email program is then called and you download the remaining emails.

I should have put "I particularly like the fact you can delete the spam/suspect emails at server level without have to download them in full (to your inbox) to Analise them. Perhaps that would have been more clear ;D

Czesz Vlk,

You can give Mailwasher some eyes. Go inside Mailwasher to Options, then General and Edit DNS Blacklist servers, click and edit it and save. I check my mails on my ISP popserver against several spam list servers, like SpamCop, ORDB, Deadbeef, Spamhaus, Five-ten, Abuseat. Well that is just my personal collection to check against, works beautifully, nearly none missed.
All these mails are flagged accordingly (blacklisted in red letters), and are deleted in one go manually by me or those falsely flagged reset on the ISP mailserver and these I want land in my Inbox. Spam is deleted and blacklisted, but never bounced. It is working perfectly for me, great solution from the developer “dunder from down under”. Mailwasher is my “pralka e-mailowa”.



Are there ISP’s that don’t block spam? BT Yahoo! catches 99.9%.

Spamihilator has something like 20 pluggins that you can manage, order and configure.
Very flexible and with great accurance in my opinion. But, as it could happen with the most of us here, maybe we stay with one and don’t test all the others to compare or review.

Then you should join me and cast you vote in the Other catagory, it’s lonely there on my own ;D

Vlk… you guys never start polls without a reason…
Are you making a deal with any spam killer application?
If so hope spamihilator wins as I’ve translate it ;D

Can you tell us the secrect behind this poll? ::slight_smile:

My ISP uses Postini’s SpamGuard, and it works well enough that I don’t bother with any filters of my own.

And they use what must be a fairly high-end version of SG, breaks spam down into categories (sexual, get-rich-quick, “too good to be true”, etc.). Their quarantine site shows an icon-flag for each message by category, and you can adjust leniency versus strictness separately for each category.

well you could try comodo antispam it seems fine to me.

MailWasher which has already been described by DavidR

hmm… I cannot realy answer the question about what anti-spam is good becouse of most e-mail clients like Foxmail (my fav. for USB stick) has build in antispam functions. Some of them I think can also update ruls for spam detection.

And so? ::slight_smile:

from my unclean brain today :smiley: :

spam can be detected also by signatures.
that kind of mails often contains viruses and may be also new some.

AVAST using modules that can be added.

AntiSpam + avast chest
…ehh this is just in my fantasy

This thread is almost dead too…so some life in it can be good :wink:

In that case vote Other.

PopTray - Been using it for years and see no reason to change.

A few of it’s features…

  * Unlimited number of Accounts 
  * Quickly preview a message 
  * Delete messages from the server without downloading them 
  * Spam management using rules and white/black lists
  * Low resource usage

…and more

Spamihilator and SpamPal have them too 8)
After testing a lot of programs, Spamihilator seems to me the more flexible one. Anyway, it will be an user taste…


Just out of curiosity…do you currently use Spamihilator? If so, what is the resource utilization (RAM)?

I ask because even though I see no reason to change from what I am currently using I am not opposed to change, if it is for the better.

Yes. I’m using it.
Resources depends on how many plugins do you use, how often email is checked.
Spamihilator does not use RAM while not checking email.
For me, receiving email, CPU goes from 0 to 26% lows down to 13% and then to 0%. Some seconds.
Virtual memory could be 13Mb. It’s not few… but, for me, RAM is not the problem. CPU is what delays, the crucial point.