USB Disk Security - shareware
Autorun Eater - freeware
USB Guardian - freeware
I want to know which is best and why. Thanks.
USB Disk Security - shareware
Autorun Eater - freeware
USB Guardian - freeware
I want to know which is best and why. Thanks.
here is more:
Flash Disinfector http://www.myantispyware.com/2009/01/08/flash-disinfector-free-autoruninf-trojans-removal-tool/
Panda USB vaccine http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/downloads/usbvaccine/
I personally like panda usb vaccine.
It is free, light.
Always runs in background(can be changed to manual).
Can start with windows(Can be changed to manual).
It automatically vaccinates usb keys as soon as you insert(if run in background is enabled).
I have installed on all the computers I take care of. They haven’t had a problem with usb worms.
Question is really which one is better their are many different types of USB protection, and I’m no to sure about Panda USB Vaccine it still a beta version ???
Support for ntfs is beta, nothing else. Try using it and you will come to know which is best. You will never repent.
Well all my USB are formatted in NTFS it seem I may have to wait a while until this is release.
Edit: Today at 7:50pm
I like this idea to allow all new USB to be automatically vaccinates, and if you have any old USB you might wanted to to scan it first copy the files you need to your HD and the reformatted your USB after that run Panda USB vaccine to have all your old USB to be vaccinates.
Then copy your files back to the old or new USB, Panda say is better to scan for virus before you back any files to your HD BEFORE you vaccinate your USB.
Oki then you can give this a shot : http://blog.trendmicro.com/how-to-maximize-the-malware-protection-of-your-removable-drives/