Right now I just have the Standard Shield running. I can tell it’s running but no complaints. Everything’s ok. My question is, with the Network Shield and Web Shield. Will the Standard Shield eventually catch what these shields are supposed to catch? In other words, can I just rely on the Standard shield to keep valuable resources free or will I just be flat out open to some threats if I don’t run these others as well? As long as it catches them by the time they are executed, I’m ok with that.
I’ve got to do some sort of balancing here with this old thing.
The network shield is negligible and I would say essential.
I would also say the web shield is another must but this will user more system resources as it monitors your http traffic. Its function is to intercept and stop it getting on to the system as this is preferable to having to remove it ‘if’ it get established.
So first try it with the network shield added and see how that effects the system. Then try adding the web shield.
I would suggest that you try to increase your RAM as I would say that would improve overall system performance.
Whist it may not be worth spending much on the system, but memory is relatively cheap and the web shield I would say could well save you a lot of hassle, when you base that at say $10 an hour for your time then it may be worth it.