Which version should I use?

I have downloaded the file for avast 4 for palm (avast4_palm.zip) from the main download site. I have also downloaded the beta from this forum (setupdapalm.exe). I have not yet installed either one on my Tungsten T because I’m not sure which would be best.

I don’t usually go with betas on my Palm, but I noticed your mention of better support for OS 5 in the latest version.

Which version would you suggest that I use?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Install setupdapalm.exe, because it’s the latest version with many new features (listed here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=7;action=display;threadid=2252).

Not yet, pk, it’s not in the official release build yet.
It will be published shortly, though… (together with other avast updates - I’d say beginning of next week).

But to get an idea what it looks like, yes, you can use the ‘beta’ described in that thread.


Are you talking about the 4.1.4 version? ::slight_smile:

Installed the beta (4.1.4) on the Tungsten T and an XP machine. Installation was quick and easy, and the updater seems to be working fine. No probs observed with the software on the Palm. Looking forward to the final build and official release so I can purchase.

Thanks for the advice. :slight_smile: