Exchange server or on Endpoint Protection - Mail shield module.
Just wondering if whitelisted email addresses are still being scanned for viruses, malware and dangerous attachments? It’s quite easy to spoof an email address, then attach a zipped dotm with macro in it and hidden link to a crypto-virus. You already know what happens next.
As I understand it, white listing a address will mean mails from that address will not be blocked.
Ofcourse the data traffic is still be scanned as well as the attachments if you try to download/open them.
I can be wrong, but someone will correct me if I am
Forgive me for intruding, this thread got me curious
When you say “whitelisted email address”, exactly what program, component, or setting are you talking about? I can’t seem to find any whitelist setting in Avast Mail Shield template that matches what you are discussing for endpoint protection.
If you are talking about a whitelist on a Mail Client (ie endpoint), then it is likely you are talking about a junk/spam whitelist which determines an action on how to handle spam. I am sure that would still be scanned by the Mail Shield.
Of course if you are talking about Premimum with Exchange Server mailbox protection, thats something I don’t have so can’t comment on that