Hello my forum friends,
At the moment I am writing this message in Flock from behind the ebypass proxy. Who of you sometimes uses a webproxy and why, and what webproxy is your favourite. The webproxy at www.ebypass.org is very fast.
Hello my forum friends,
At the moment I am writing this message in Flock from behind the ebypass proxy. Who of you sometimes uses a webproxy and why, and what webproxy is your favourite. The webproxy at www.ebypass.org is very fast.
Hi polonus, sorry for not replying sooner
Well, as far as using a proxy goes I used Anonymouse, but very rerely. Beside browsing Anonymouse also offers from their site a free web based anonymous email system called AnonEmail.
As for as keeping your privacy this is what they offer:
Anonymouse filters all personal data at a request and places the request afterwards again to the target server (instead of the user). After the anonymization of the target-servers response (the most difficult part) the anonymized response is sent back to the user. Cookies are filtered by the filtering of all personal data at the request of a web page. The Cookies from the server will be transmitted to the user, however as they are not sent back to the server the anonymity remains protected.
And as for my opinion, I belive that if security and privacy are more strict (even for a little bit) the attacker is is that much weaker!
Also you can protect your privacy with these solutions:
Hello Zagor,
But as you can read in this article, this service has already for a long time been “backdoored” on demand of the authorities.
Read: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/08/21/net_anonymity_service_backdoored/
It is not so much the anonymity sought, but my question is if surfing is filtered by such a Javascript or applet driven proxy is one more secure in the case of malicious nodes or vectors.
And what is the difference here with the so-called sand-boxed webbrowsing, where the browser runs in a sandbox, and after the browsing session all inside the sandbox is dropped.
You know Zagor browser security must be a main concern, because apart from mail clients, it is the main route that malware takes to infect a computer. That was why I am such an enthusiast about the pre-hyperlink add-on from Dr. Web’s.
Some of the things from the past like the Proxomitron etc. are not heard of anymore. In-browser security now is mainly about certificates, safe protocols, script-, ad-, and cookie-blocking, and preventing connection to blacklisted sites through blocklists, add-ons and special programs. What does proxying do there?
I sometimes use HideMyAss ;D
Interestingly enough this is becoming popular.
Yes cyfer it is. When the end user lives in a glass house, a tiny bit of privacy cannot hurt you. My question was, does it also give added security with a JavaProxy in your browser., or is it just another form loaded?
I smell onions! ;D
Same here, I use one of their IP address on their list, but I always get a slow connection, so I don’t use it much.
I have used Multiproxy in the past. There are several anonymous proxy server lists out there to find a reliable proxy server to use. Or several for that matter.