Installed the trial mode of the current Avast! Internet Security. Checking all the options I got round to Subscriptions on the Maintenance tab of the Control Panel.
On clicking Purchase Now button, the first time I was quoted £29.95 and the next time was quoted £38.47, both for AIS on up to 3 pcs. On successive clicks the quotes cycled between the two amounts. (Pop ups attached)
Oh it will because it already has done a couple of times but its still seems weird to me.
Actualy there are 3 prices as if you buy direct off the website the price for one year for up to 3 pcs is £45.79. So thats £45.79 or £38.47 or £29.95 for exactly the same product, the starting price is the same OK but its the price you have to pay thats the REAL price.
Got quite a way to go on my trial so am not rushing in.
They are giving you the better deal because you have the trial version, so upgrading from there they know that you have the trial version, when going direct to the site they don’t know that so no upgrade offer.
I don’t see anything different in this than many other such products. They too offer discounts from time to time on their sites.
How did you know I didn’t have Comodo Firewall anymore?
Not to worry, it was a timely reminder, really should made my mind up which combination to go for. DavidR has all but convinced me to go for AIS, that’s were I am at the moment.