The problem being you have to manage the HOSTS file or install a HOSTS file manager program and it can get very large.
Where the likes of AdBlockPlus in your browser add-ons, is managed and kept up to date without having to store the stuff off-line. You can also subscribe (just means registering a new list, no payment required) to other blocking lists.
ABP here. Not only is there the safety factor, there’s the fact web pages load faster – no ads to load. You’ll find your pages snap when this is installed.
Don’t miss them, but if you do, it is possible to disable ABP temporarily to see the missing ads. Clean web pages is what matters, not the junk that comes with it. To revert to no ads, re-enable ABP on that webpage and refresh.
But, as Polonus and Pondus both say, there is a new risk in running ads in your browser, so safety first is the rule.
There are a few factors at work here that make this possible in the first place.
The user has outdated software and ad-ons
The user clicks on the ad which then starts the infection process.
Ad Blocking helps because you can’t click on what you can’t see.
Keeping your system and what runs on it also needs to done constantly.
Not clicking on links, ads, etc. just because they are there is probably the
most important thing to learn.
Well keeping the OS and third party software updated and fully patched is a very important “profilax” against malware infections
as is working the OS from a normal user account. That is one layer of protection.
The second layer of defense is avast shields and web rep protection.
A third layer of in-browser protection is formed by the “Golden Three”,
like ABP, NOScript and RequestPolicy in firefox or a likewise trio.
Inside GoogleChrome I use ABP, Scriptsafe and Ghostery they sit there next to Avast Online Security extension.
NoScript and RequestPolicy blocking is a concept that always will work even on malscript,
that has not been invented yet.
Sandboxing, alas that form of browser protection does not work from threats that comes via the network.
All other forms of protection that is based on blacklisting and whitelisting has great handicaps.
Blacklisting is a form of protection that is always running behind the facts
(brand new malware =100% infectious - then in comes protection forms see under 1. and 3.),
whitelisting is often producing worse results than the cure it should bring.