Hi, My site is allready clean, why avast web-monitor block this site?
Check here how to clean and make a website secure.
Maybe it takes some time to correct the detection (?).
site 3 days without any files I think it’s allready clean ^)
how long need wait for re-index for avast base?
I have sent an email to see if they can check it out again.
Hi DavidR,
This was found in the site code: see image and is part of a suspicious one
Where and more importantly did avast alert as I got no alerts.
Hi DavidR,
Look at the code at the bottom of this link htxp://jsunpack.jeek.org/dec/go?report=2e65a0ad538a62ced2698d860383a578a53cef3a
If I deobfuscate the wXw.alex-bvd.com.ua/images/banners/banners.swf code I get that out of it,
well SWF and the Malware Tragedy, as we all know,
The fact that banners can be hijacked/misused doesn’t mean that they are all malicious and that is what we are looking for as a reason why the network shield still blocks it when the web shield doesn’t detect anything.
Do I understand correctly, it is sufficient to remove the banner and everything will be ok?
I don’t believe it is as simple as that, as the alert is by the network shield (malicious sites database) and it doesn’t get as far as the banner.
Presumably the code that polonus showed is for the rotating .swf banner adverts if they are rotational it would depend on the source of the ads as they can be replaced by malicious swf ads scripts.
Have you recently had a infection on your site, if so the avast users that visited the site would get alerts from the web shield and information on alerts gets transferred to avast if you are using the avast! community function. That information gets collated and sites that are getting hit numbers of web shield alerts would be added to the list.
I don’t know how long it would take once added to the list it takes after the site is cleaned for it to be removed. As I said I have notified them to check it out again, that is all I can do as an avast user.
Thnks a lot for You help!
This detection is fixed now.
Best regards
Jan Sirmer
You’re welcome.
This detection is fixed now.
Best regards
Jan Sirmer
Thanks for the prompt response.