Why all privacy tracking is not shown by extensions?

I liked to check this page for third party requests and tracking…
Therefore checked here: http://www.cookiechecker.nl/check-cookies.php?url=www.telegraaf.nl
Just to demonstrate it here for our avast forum users…
TrafficLight alerted me to
Revenue Science
Comscore Beacon
Google Analytics
Facebook Tracker
Disconnect blocked 2 from Google
Ghostery gave me 4
more infoAudience Science
more infoBrightcove
more infoDoubleClick
Kiss gave me 6 including one from embed.scribblelive.com
But as we can see from the cookiechecker results I had 40 third party requests to consider!!!
Nugg-add dit not show up in the others… see: http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/nugg.ad?utm_source=addon&utm_content=popup-donuts

What is the use of tracking extensions while half of the tracking is still going on behind my back or rather under the hood of the browser?
Oh, by the way some of the trackers given here have a rather bad WOT web reputation, like admeld for instance and audience science, nugg-ad-
admeld even bypasses WOT js for opera
Question to you all -"Can trackers be trusted or do they operate in a so-called “grey"zone?”
Any to comment?


Hi Pol,

Not really an answer as to the why.

If you fancy a visually pleasing presentation of tracking, visit http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/collusion/.

“Collusion is an experimental add-on for Firefox and allows you to see all the third parties that are tracking your movements across the Web. It will show, in real time, how that data creates a spider-web of interaction between companies and other trackers.”

I installed it this morning, and at least it’s cute.

Hi Kwartet!,

Nice extension and also available for Google Chrome,


I think particular owners of websites also are not fully aware of what third party tracking is going on via their websites in the form of web beacons, Flash cookies etc. etc. Searching for third party tracking sometimes get you to mapping terra incognita. Getting this more transparent would also help towards stopping a lot of abuse online,
