Why are there so much viruses?

Strange I been scanning two time…It found totally 82 viruses win32 is it normal?
I am really confused with these viruses are they dangerous?

I am really confused with these viruses are they dangerous?
If I where a mind reader, I might be able to tell you. ;D

How can there be so much viruses at the volume information…?
Does it come from USB?

[b]Removing malware from System Restore points [/b] To remove the malware, you must first disable System Restore, then scan the system with up-to-date antivirus software - allowing it to clean, delete, or quarantine any viruses found. After the system has been disinfected, you may then re-enable System Restore. The steps for disabling System Restore vary, depending on whether the default Start Menu or the Classic Start Menu is being used.
http://antivirus.about.com/od/windowsbasics/a/systemrestore.htm [b]Windows Vista System Restore Guide[/b] http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/tutorial143.html
Infected files: 35

So where is the other 47?

In the first scan but that mean if I restore my pc with a virus it will multiply itself?

It may have come from your usb with all these autorun viruses these days (GRRRRRRR!!!) to be safe from these kind of nasties just disable autorun, here’s a link to a guide: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/disable-autoplay-of-audio-cds-and-usb-drives/ I think this disables autorun for both CD’s and USB devices.