Why are you uninstalling Avast?

your survey needs an answer to cover the situations where avast simply cripples machine performance such as in the case with winXP, where avast literally causes the machine to take 10 minutes to boot and interferes with USB IO (avast causes all sorts of problems with my scanner).

but really guys, harden the heck up and add an option for “I’M NOT HAPPY WITH THE PRODUCT AND OR PERFORMANCE”
I mean if you really care why people are uninstalling don’t create a survey that glosses over customer dissatisfaction

Well I have had avast installed on an XP Pro system/s for nine years from avast 4.x through to the current 8.0.1489 versionand I haven’t experienced this at all.

Interesting, other than this topic you haven’t created or posted in a topic about this problem so that we can try to find the cause and or help.