yesterday i made an Virusscan and i set the option to scan the partitions : C, D, and F but not E.
And what is AVAST doing? He scan partition E too. So he need 3 and a half hour for scanning 120GB Grrrrr. The partition E isnt needed to scan because there are only Files from Backups and this files are just scanned (50GB).
Then i mean that AVAST is scanning all the Partitions 2 times but im not sure.
But what i dont understand is, at last before i press the Button to began the scan i can see that the partitions selected are C,D,F and AVAST is scanning E too why this ?
What type of scan are you doing (ashquick.exe, on-demand with folder selection, etc., what ?
1 Time in a month i do a complete scan of my system, iam open AVAST and then i search the partitions what i want to scan.
Why not exclude the partition from on-demand scans ?
Program Settings, Exclusions, Add and enter the drive/partition you want to exclude.
No i dont want to exclude it permanent but when im selecting C,D,F and not E so i think that AVAST had no reason to scan E. If he do so it is sensless to select an partition cause AVAST do what he want.
OK none of those should case the scanning of E, I’m not sure if you fully understand what Tech mentioned. There are three buttons, Local Disks, Folder Selection and Removable Media. If you happen to click the Local Disks that will scan all partitions, if you also click the Folder selection and select the partitions you want to scan, they will also be scanned.
So you would notice at some point that it scanned the E partition, but possibly not that it has scanned the other partitions twice.
So if you want just a selection of your partitions it is important not to click the Local Drives and only the Folder Selection button. When you select the partitions, they are listed in the Selected Paths (see image). At that point ensure that point ensure that E hasn’t been selected.