Why Avast Internet Security (pay version) is saver than the Avast free version

Can any one explain to me , in simple term, why the Avast Internet Security ( Pay version ) is saver in on line banking or transaction.
Would the Windows Firewall good enough with the Avast free version.

Hi there^^
Avast internet Security gives you more protection because:

  1. It has a firewall which has inbound and outbound protection and protect you IP Address a lot better I guess from hackers.
  2. It can hide your transaction better than windows firewall!
  3. It has a sandboxie which keeps your computer safe from online threats.
    And a scriptblocker which avast free don’t have!

That’s all I know
Note: windows firewall has only inbound and not outbound protection!
Outbound is when you are surfing the net^^

Shiw Liang,

technically, this statement isnt true. ;D

“Note: windows firewall has only inbound and not outbound protection”

I believe it depends on which windows firewall your talking about.

windows xp firewall has only inbound and no outbound protection, However, Vista and Windows 7 firewall does have outbound protection, but its off by default,

the user must manally create the rules for outbound protection in both. Im told windows 7 is easier to do than Vista.


Got it so windows vista and 7 are somehow different from xp!

Thanks for the info :slight_smile: