Why Avast is weak? .....Because‍!

Avast is so weak

After I changed the antivirus

see this:

And surely you will find a low security
Node 32 a few days before the virus was identified.
If every want this virus file send me mail with this subject ::Request For a.Exe:::

so you found a sample avast did not detect…
no surprise as no security program have 100% detection…that includes NOD32. :wink:

you can zip and password protect it and send to virus @ avast.com
mail subject: undetected sample
zip password: infected

Why on the earth we have to repeat this over 100000 times. >:(

No antivirus program is 100% in itself!!!

You can even see the well known kaspersky antivirus didnt detect this :o

As pondus said send the file to virus@avast.com and avast analysts will add detection for the malware :wink:

Read this:

P.S. this wasnt detected by either of the AV’s:

We haven’t seen where it came from, so it could well be blocked by avast shields.
Loads of issues are blocked by avast shields (network shield, web shield), while VT does not give avast detection,


+1000 for Pol ;D :smiley: … I do also see that many a times…VT doesnt even avast show signature detection for some malware when avast does catch them…VT also seems to be behind on avast VPS many a times.

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