Why Avast! not starting eariler?

Everytime i start my computer it takes about 2 min after windows start for Avast! on-access scanners to start. Including Stardard shield. I start windows and a red line is across the “A” ball. Then like 1-2min afterwards it starts everything. Is this normal? It does not start right away with windows start as it suppose to.

I have Windows XP SP2.

Thanks for any info or suggests.

Are all servises set to start as per attached graphic
Start/control/Admin Tool/Services

AvastForever, does the same thing happen even if you disconnect your machine from the network when booting?

Sorry guys for the long delay. Anyway NV, the new update seems to fix my problem. It starting up from the start since i install the new update. Thanks. Love Avast! ;D