why avast report "cisvc.exe" is virus

why did avast report like this "Sign of “Win32:Trojan-gen. {VC}” has been found in “C:\WINNT\system32\dllcache\cisvc.exe” file. "

To know if a file is a false positive, please submit it to JOTTI or VirusTotal and let us know the result. If it is indeed a false positive, send it in a password protected zip to virus@avast.com
Please, mention in the body of the message why you think it is a false positive and the password used. Thanks.
VirusTotal and Jotti both have file size limits 10 and 15MB each.

As a workaround, you can add these files to the Standard Shield provider (on-access scanning) exclusion list.
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the provider icon at left and then Customize. Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…
You can use wildcards like * and ?. But be carefull, you should ‘exclude’ that many files that let your system in danger.
After that, please, periodically check it - scan it into Chest, right clicking the file - there should still be a copy in the chest even though you restored it to the original location. When it is no longer detected as being infected then you can also remove it from the Exclusion list.

This link is a tutorial on how to help correct a virus detection that you believe to be false:

I’m just wondering why an exe file is in the dllchche ?

There is at least one other topic relating to cisvc.exe, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=28976.0,

I guess it would have to depend on the location, as a legit system file it would be in, so it would be best to confirm using VT or jotti as Tech suggests.

However, cisvc.exe:

Description "Family Keylogger - is your best choice, if you want to know what other users on your machine are typing". Note! - this is not the cisvc.exe service.

Key loggers can be used for good or for harm and avast isn’t going to know the use it is put to. So did you install Family Keylogger ?
If so you could exclude the file from scans.

I would suggest you look at something that is more proactive than a key logger which only tells you ‘after the fact’ something like, Naomi Parental Control software (freeware) http://www.radiance.m6.net/

Fully agree. But after testing, K9 is better, more flexible, less radical (closing the browser).
It worth a test (www.k9webprotection.com).