Why can't I register

When filling out the free registration form , and clicking on register now, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? help please

What form? In the Avast Program GUI? Or online?

Reinstall Avast!..

Or Restart your computer and try again…

this happened to me too several weeks ago when installing the free version on another computer, there was no way to register from the UI. Only way out is to go to Avast web site and request a registration code for the free version. Comes through mail after a few days.

This happens, when the registration servers are down.

The word “down” in conjunction with Avast happens to appear a lot much more lately than would be to my taste…

Bigger problem is the lack of response here, lately. :frowning:

Biological downtime… there it is again: down.

There might be so many problems of not registering . I think you need to install a fresh copy of Avast I hope that this will sort out your problem .

I believe a repair would be the first order before a reinstall but none of these will have any effect if it is a server issue.

I agree with you, but in the case of registering, as in the issue in this thread, the Repair does not fix the problem as I have tried this on several machines and it does not work. I’m beginning to think it may be a server issue as well. But the email responses are beginning to come quicker now. :slight_smile:

Iv never had this issue here so more than likely it’s a server problem from that side of the world :wink: