Why can't Linux add Avast in repositories ?

I don’t understand why something like Ubuntu or PCLinuxOS can’t add Avast package to their repo ? People still need to register with ALWIL for the key, so what difference does it make on where/how they get Avast ?

The registration process is needed regardless the OS (Windows or Linux) and it’s used for statistical purposes.
I must confess that when I started to use avast four years ago I thought it could become a shareware from one day to another and the registration process would be a way to control the licensing… but avast is still a freeware that requires registration. I think it’s their policy and we, users, must respect although we hope an easier way to register, perhaps automatically…

My question wasn’t about registration as I have no problem with that, been a long time Avast user :slight_smile:

My question was about packaging (by Distro’s developers) Avast and redistribution through that Distro’s repository. I other words why can’t I download Avast in Synaptic, register at AWIL for my key and be on my way ?

This question isn’t about me, I can download Avast and install it no problem, but some people would rather it was easy to install and available through their package manager.

The way it is now in most Distro’s only ClamAV and F-PROT are the one’s available in the repositories, I’m sure more than a few would like Avast as a choice.

Sorry, I’ve misunderstood you.

Well… it will be good if we can use Synaptic to get it with the repositories.

I agree too ;D

Since I am new with linux things, I use only Synaptic or Adept for installing programs ::slight_smile: