I went to a website for tutorials on image editing. Java icons showed up, the malware/virus/trojan/fraud bullshit got into my PC while Avast was watching. Why did Avast not do anything?
How can something not be suspicious when it changes computer settings etc? Seems like heuristics never work on Avast.
This programme is changed on a regular basis specifically to avoid being detected by AV programmes. There are no AV programmes currently that will stop this in its tracks. I have seen infected systems with Norton, Kaspersky, Eset, AVG, Avira etc…
But there is a removal guide and it seems that all those infected with Av Security Suite get the exact same things, exact same files, exact same setting changes.
This is just so sad. When I ran the .exe file on virus total there were a few antiviruses that caught it. McAfee, Prevx etc. Although most of it was probably Heuristic…
How can I now be sure I haven’t got any other viruses or trojans or spywares etc… Avast finds nothing after doing a boot up scan and a regular scan. Malwarebytes is running now.
To minimise the happening of such cases, you should have a HIPS software as well. If you’re not so experienced and want it to be concise, try ThreatFire; or you can choose Comodo.
Last night my computer was infected by ‘AV Security Suite’ but fortunately at the time I was on the phone with a friend who also got infected about two months ago with ‘AV Security Suite’. He was using AVG at the time and it slipped right through. Anyway, my friend talked me through the recovery process as I was unable to access the Internet after getting the infection. I was able to restart Windows in Safe Mode then I disabled the Proxy Server in my browser and then I ran Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software which removed the infection.