Why did'nt Avast! detect the virus/malware?

Hello all… :slight_smile:
Just a quick question…
My USB flash drive wsas infected with the “Lord Rahul Cool” virus…

More info here:


I have installed the Free Avast! AV on both my PC’s and a laptop. The PC’s got infected within a second of plugging in my flash/pen drive :frowning: which I noticied only later.
Thinking that the virus definitions on Avast were probably old (which were not) or maybe it was not switched ON/activated. I updated the definitions on my laptop and reluctantly(& confidently) plugged in the pen drive hoping that Avast! would capture and kill the culprit.

Unfortunately that did not happen and my laptop also got infected… Spend a couple of days to get cleaned of it.

So, just wanted to ask what was the reason behind the non-detection!

As told in a forum above, the two files that could have caused the infection likely were Rahul’svirusprotection.vbe & autorun.inf & wscript.exe that kept running on the task manager. The Rahul’svirusprotection.vbe file also caused concerns… Maybe it has a coding to cheat the AV?

terminate wscript.exe

or just simply create a batch files:


taskkill /f /im wscript.exe

put that code in notepad and save the file like this “terminate.bat” meaning it will terminate the process of vbs viruses… then after that scanned ur pc using http://superantispyware.com or http://malwarebytes.org

and then after all, disable autorun.inf here is the instruction:


Goodluck and GodBless…

Hi… thank you very very much ! for posting the instructions for removal… However, if you read my post, the malware has already been removed…

“Spend a couple of days to get cleaned of it.”

What I wanted to know was the reason why Avast could not detect the virus ?

it is not detected, because we didn’t see the sample, please send us (virus@avast.com) then file and put “undetected malware” to the subject.

Thank you,

How exactly do I get hold of the file ‘safely’ to send a mail to you without getting infected again?

the malware will never executed if the “autorun.inf” is disabled from the drives,…

anyway used my simple program I have been created from Visual Basic, it will disabled the autorun viruses.,…


Goodluck and Godbless…

I have already edited my registry as told above… Should I do this also?