I have read the thread on the avast Emergency Update task. Why do i have 11 though? Is there a way to get rid of excessive tasks, or might they all be necessary? They all take 0.5 MB and look like they may be identical?
I have read the thread on the avast Emergency Update task. Why do i have 11 though? Is there a way to get rid of excessive tasks, or might they all be necessary? They all take 0.5 MB and look like they may be identical?
If you haven’t done so already, reboot your system and check again.
If there is still more than 1 emupdate running:
Good question, it is rather unusual but I cannot say outright that they aren’t necessary. It is likely that all those instances are waiting for something doing nothing.
What avast! version do you use? Do you notice multiple instances even after some time (or perhaps restarting the system)?
A reboot did help. Now I see 0 such tasks. The only 2 tasks I have are avast! Antivirus and avast! Service.
The program version listed is 2014.9.0.2021
Good to hear.
Check it the next week a few times and let us know if it stays normal now.