Why does Avast 6 take so long on right click menu. (Desktop/Inside Folders etc)

Before the update it used to take Avast 6 around 8 secs even with a measily 180k text file just to access the right click menu.

Now with this latest update it take around 15 seconds no matter what the file is. This makes the whole right click menu useless unless I disable Avast (where access then becomes instant).

Could anyone offer an explanation as to why Avast 6 is so slow on the right click menu? This started happening right after v4 and has been like it ever since. Problem is it now got much worse.

XP Pro Sp3
AMD Quad @ 3.4Ghz
4Gb Crucial RAM

No such issue here and never seen behaviour like that on any machine. Right click a file or folder of any size on my machines and the menu is open instantly.
The same is true of a variety of PC’s laptops in the workshop.

Do you really mean “right click” and the "menu " is slow or are we talking about scanning a file?

for me it takes only for the first right click after system restart which 1.5 seconds and all others are instant. Re-install avast from scratch and make sure your harddisk is defragmented

Right click as in say a file on the Desktop or for example within a Folder. Doesnt matter how big or small the file is the cursor just spins for 15+ secs then finally the menu opens. Its really annoying tbh.

Disk is defragged once a week.

Would complete removal of Avast and a fresh install help? If not then?

With which programme…?? Is it Perfect Disk…??

atleast you can try clean and fresh reinstall

It should help.

I had this problem before. No real “solution”, but a “workaround”.

I followed the instructions at http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (including the UNinstall under Windows Safe Mode), and when I reinstalled Avast, the behaviour was (and still is) acceptable.

The behavior has nothing to do with the file you are rightclicking on.
When you rightclick, Windows is loading the modules responsible for the context menu - not only avast’s, but also other programs (which can get rather big if you have other tools installed that put themselves into the context menu).
So avast! is just scanning the programs being loaded at that moment.

I’m afraid I don’t see how reinstall could change anything here.

Although I also didn’t see how, and I, at first, refused to follow the suggestion of clean installation (in this forum, BTW ), I finally did it. There was no other solution, and this workaround was the only actual suggestion.

I don’t know why, but it helped, immediately. I can’t guarantee that this will work for the OP too. I only wrote from my own experience.

Er, in theory perhaps but the reality is somewhat very different.

With Avast on=15+ secs right click time on any file before menu opens.

Turn off/Disable Avast=right click menu appears instantaneously.

This is def. an Avast issue for sure.

As asked before…
Do you have Perfect Disk installed on your system…??

…hi all, please help as i also had this problem. whenever i right click on almost any file it took me 15-30 secs. :frowning: and when i shut off avast… it open in 1 sec… help guys… i don want to change to other anti virus… :cry:

If you open folders with a lot of tools and exe files.

Go into your File System Shield expert settings and then into Opening.

Look to see if the Scan all Files radio is ticked.

This I just found out slowed down my machine as it would scan all such files because the OS extracts icons from these files. If you have many in one folder. This hampers the machine as it is scanning each of them.

If that isn’t it. I haven’t a clue. Maybe someone else knows.