why does avast free have two identical virus chests

…why does avast show two identical chests?
In my opinion it makes the program look buggy or infected itself.
Is there a valid reason? thanks for any info


The tiles on the from page are configurable (just click on the icon in the upper-right corner of each of those and select whatever function you want to have there).
I don’t think the two chests are there by default… maybe you have chosen them to be there?

As Igor said it is just duplication of the shortcut tile to access the ‘single’ avast chest. You can easily change this by right clicking on the list icon in the tile and select something else.

This may also help:

thanks to both for the replies. I don’t think I have ever custom configured, so a possible mistake on my part. I have updated avast for some time, so I am guessing if it wasn’t down to me, something could have happened along the way out of error if there were any major gui or program changes. I wasn’t sure what was meant by lines or icon at first, but I see now from the posted image, those lines at the top right of each ‘virus chest’ box are very small… right clicking on any part of a box also does the job quite nicely :slight_smile:

Slightly O/T, but closely enough related (I hope) … could we go back to offering a “dead-link” (i.e., non-functional) as one of the choices for each icon, similar to the “change icon” (or however it was worded) choice in the previous version?

Of the choices offered, only three are useful shortcuts for me – full scan, smart scan, and virus chest, and I’m stuck with “free mobile security” for the fourth one.

You’re welcome.

I would suggest Scan History or Software Updater or even Update would be better than ‘Free Mobile Security’ especially if you already have it.

Personally I feel there needs to be other options as many are almost duplication 3 different scans - some might appreciate a Statistics shortcut.

I had posed that question some time ago and was told that Avast would enhanced selections
in the next program update. Possible through the right click function on the Avast system tray function.